Volucella inanis is a large (approx 16mm) hoverfly, common in southern Britain. The larvae of Volucella inanis are ectoparasites of social wasps including Vespula germanica, Vespula vulgaris, and Vespa crabro. As nests of these wasps are relatively common in suburban areas, Volucella inanis can often be found in suburban areas too. It can also be found in areas of scrub, heaths, chalk grassland, and clearings in woodland.
The adults of Volucella inanis feed on nectar and pollen, and can often be seen feeding on umbels and Buddleia in parks and gardens.
The abdomen of Volucella inanis is striped black and yellow, mimicing a wasp or hornet. The wings are translucent yellow, with a black marking half-way down the wing, and another black marking near the wing-tip.
-0.50 exposure compensation in ACR
16 recovery in ACR