A young beech tree in autumn colour with yellow-brown leaves.
From Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fagus_sylvatica):
It is a large tree, capable of reaching heights of up to 49 m (160 ft) tall and 3m (10 ft) trunk diameter, though more typically 25-35 m (80-115 ft) tall and up to 1.5 m (5 ft) trunk diameter. A 10-year-old sapling will stand about 4 m (13 ft) tall. It has a typical lifespan of 150 to 200 years, though sometimes up to 300 years. The appearance varies according to its habitat; in forest conditions, it tends to have a long, slender light-gray trunk with a narrow crown and erect branches, in isolation with good side light the trunk is short with a large and widely spreading crown with very long branches.
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