A large frozen puddle in a field near East Farndon, in Northamptonshire, England. The setting sun is reflected in the ice, while the snow helps reveal traces of the ridge and furrow farming technique used in this field in medieval times.
NEFs converted with -0.3 exposure compensation in CNX2
EV0, EV+1, and EV+2 images stitched, blended and exposure fused in PTGUI 9 Pro
EV-1 and EV-2 images of sun and EV+2 handheld nadir stitched in PTGUI 9 Pro
EV+2, EV0, and exposure fused images blended for exposure in PS CS5
EV-1 and EV-2 images of sun added and blended for exposure in PS CS5
Nadir patched in PS CS5
LCE applied in PS CS5