Ultraviolet photograph of flowers of the Iris 'Tropic Night', a cultivar of the Siberian Iris (Iris sibirica). There are two flowers in this photo, the newer one on the right above the older one on the left.
Iris sibirica 'Tropic Night' has purple flowers, 4-7 cm in diameter, with a veined yellow throat. The flowers are borne on a tall leafless stem.
In ultraviolet the flower appears quite different to how it looks under visible light. The veins on the petals are still visible near the edges of the petals, but the centre of the petals appears quite dark. The throat appears dark in the centre, whereas under visible light it is light yellow.
Bees and some other insects can see ultraviolet light, and it is believed that these ultraviolet markings act as 'nectar guides', guiding the insects to where the pollen / nectar is located, and so helping to pollinate the flower.
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